Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Before long, the two were peeking through a break in some storm clouds. Below them stretched one of the devestated areas.
"Geeze..." Brian muttered. "You can't tell how big these things are from t.v...."
"A bit different in person, eh?"
"Just a little. Let's just get the sample and get back. This place is giving me the creeps."
"Sure thing, Earth kid."
"Do you have to call me that?"
"Mmm...yes," she said with a grin. A nudge from her heel sent Skydancer thundering down to the surface.
Brian slid down off of Skydancer once they reached the ground. He glanced around, then knelt down and scooped some dirt into one of the bags Violet had given him. He tied it off and stuck it in his pocket, standing up again. "Do you think we should get samples from a few places?"
"Eh, I'm not sure. Violet would know."
"Oh, yeah-" He dug into his pocket and pulled out the headset and wristpiece, putting them both on. He turned the dial to 4, and spoke up timidly. "Violet...?"
"Yeah, Brian? Do you have the sample?"
"Yes, I do."
"Then is something wrong?"
"Oh, no, nothing's wrong. I wanted to know if we should get multiple samples?"
Stormy lifted a hand up over her mouth in an attempt to stifle a chuckle at Brian's timidness.
"That would probably be best. Good thinking, Brian."
"Thanks. Any word from Rainbow?"
"Last we heard, they'd found the trace of the Warp and were following it into the next dimension. We should be hearing from them again pretty soon."
"Alright. That's good to know. We'll be back as soon as we can," Brian said, before switching the voice off.
Stormy smirked at Brian's sad expression. "I take it we're not finished yet." She reached a hand down to him.
"Unfortunately, no," he said glumly. He took her hand and let her help him back up onto Skydancer's back.
"Then we best get back to work."

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