Friday, March 23, 2007


Just as they reached the hill that marked the border between the two lands, something very bright appeared in the sky. It seemed to outshine everything, but on closer inspection, it was actually sucking up the light around it.
Lurky slammed on the brakes at the top of that hill, and the two villains watched the anamoly with a bit of fear. Did Rainbow get a new weapon? But it was appearing over the Pits...
"What is it, Murky?"
Before Dismal could answer, the light disappeared. In its wake hovered what appeared to be a giant bird, coloured an awful shimmering green with bright red crest feathers. It flapped a couple of times, then landed on Dismal's and Lurky's skull-shaped 'house'. It spread its wings wide and let out a terrible screech. Its talons dug into the stone, crushing it easily. It then flapped its wings a few times, and from those flaps, some sort of cloud was whipped up around it, the same colour as its feathers.
"What's it doing?"
Dismal shook his head, confused look on his face. "I don't know..."
A few seconds later, the bird rose out of that cloud, letting out another deafening screech, one that seemed to stir the kids. As it flapped, that cloud disappated, and all that was left of the Pits headquarters was what appeared to be a melted pile of rock.
Dismal's eyes widened at the sight. When he realized the bird was heading their way, he started to panic a bit. "Go back, Lurky!"
Slow as he was, Lurky knew enough to realize that bird was not something to get close to, especially seeing that cloud spilling out from its wings. He wheeled the buggy and carts around and floored it all the way back to the Colour Castle. Once they got there, Dismal leapt from the side car and started untying the now conscious and ungloomy - though upset - kids.
"Murky, what are you doing?" Lurky asked as he stumbled out of the buggy.
"We don't stand a chance against that thing, Lurky," he said simply.
He shrugged and started to help. In the distance, the bird's presence was being made known by its screeching.
As the kids were untied, they didn't ask any questions, or make any accusations. They'd heard the creature, and Dismal. There was no time for accusations. They started to untie each other, then they all clambored out of the carts and looked to the horizon. Violet wasted no time in racing into the castle to hail the others.
"Violet?" Brian asked with surprise. "What's happening, is everyone okay?"
"Murky's not a problem anymore, but we're not okay. Get back here, quickly!"
"Alright," he said before Violet switched channels. He looked up at Stormy. "Something else is happening; we have to get back there." She nodded and spurred Skydancer into action.
Violet said a short prayer before switching to two. "Krys!"
By now, Krys was back in Earth's dimension, and his two-way was working fine. "Violet? What's happening? Where's Dismal?"
"That's not important! A giant creature is attacking Rainbowland! We need Rainbow!"
His eyes widened a bit. "That could be difficult."
"What?? What do you mean?"
"She's not with me, and the two-ways won't reach. I'm almost back; Brian hailed us with a mayday. I'll hurry, but there's no way to catch up with Rainbow now."
Violet looked quite stressed to hear that, but she just closed her eyes and nodded. "Alright. Hurry back."

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