Tuesday, November 28, 2006


"You all look like you're going to a funeral. Albeit, a colourful one," says a voice at the door.
"Krys!" the kids exclaim.
Rainbow smiled and motioned for him to come in. "All the players have assembled. The hunt for the Queen begins."
"And just what -is- the Queen?" Buddy asks.
"A good question," Rainbow replied as Krys takes a seat beside Moonglow. "Analogies aside, it is very important that we decipher just who our targets are here. Obviously, that creature is one of them. We can only assume based on his actions, not only what he's doing, but also his attacking me, that he is an enemy. The rel question is: Did someone send him? And if so, who? And if not, how'd he get there; why's he doing this?"
"An even more demanding question," Red piped up, "is how do we stop him?"
Rainbow nodded. "Right. Obviously, the straightforward approach won't work. Has any progress been made in repairing the Colour Belt?"
Indigo, Pink, and Canary all shook their heads. "We've worked on it around the clock," Pink said. "But no luck."
"Nothing at all?" They shook their heads again. Rainbow sighed. "I suppose it can't be helped, then. Try to focus on healing the Earth. We don't have time to tinker with the belt. We should be prepared enough for some time with the number of sprinkles that were harvested." She turned her attention to Krys. "Now, what progress did you make? Could you find any trace of Orin?"
"I'm afraid not," Krys said, though he didn't look too upset. "What I did find should give us somewhere to start, howerver."
"While not very pronounced, On-X picked up faint traces of a warp between dimensions."
"You mean like an inter-dimensional wormhole?" Violet asked with interest.
"Something like that."
"How's that different from how we travel?" Rainbow asked curiously.
"Well, you and I travel across the dimensional planes very simply, the same way humans travel through space. Just as they travel from one quadrant of space to the next, so do we travel from one dimension to the next over. For you to get to me where I live, you would have to pass through twelve dimensions, one at a time. A dimensional wormhole, or a warp, is to say that you traveled directly from Rainbowland to my world, by bending the plane of dimensions, folding them until our worlds 'touch'. All you have to do then is, say, cut a hole out and step through."
Rainbow lifted her brows in surprise. "I didn't know that was possible."
"It isn't easy," Violet said, "but it's most certainly possible."
"Very few, and very powerful, people have the technology," Krys said gravely.
"So what makes you think this warp is connected to the creature on Earth?" Rainbow asked.
"Well, because we followed the trace to Earth's dimension."

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