Tuesday, November 21, 2006


As the rainbow arched over the Earth, something on the surface caught Rainbow's eye. She sat up, a signal for Starlight to stop.
"What is it, Rainbow?"
"Down there... Look, there!"
Below them, something was causing quite the commotion in a patch of forest. Animals were scurrying from the site, and right before their eyes, the trees began to die, almost melting away, curling into the brown earth. The patch of brown began to spread, as if a disease was ravaging the forest.
"Whatever is causing this, it's right down there!"
"You're right!"
Rainbow hunched over Starlight's neck, grabbing handfulls of his mane. As she willed it, the rainbow veered down towards the earth. "Run like the wind, Starlight!"
"As always, Rainbow!"
Within minutes, Starlight touched down among the ruin, and was at once running towards the trembling trees marking the retreat of their aim.
"Whatever it is, it's big!"
Rainbow frowned and reached for a handful of starsprinkles, hand then poised in front of the belt. "Keep your wits, Starlight. I have a bad feeling about this."
"I wonder why."
"Oh, be quiet."
In the next few seconds, they'd see it. A huge creature that walked upright, dragging behind it a hammer that looked to be almost as big as he was.
"Rainbow, what is it??"
"I'm not exactly sure. But look at his feet."
They were bare, but oozing from between the hair that covered the top of them was a black...something.
"I'd bet anything that's what's killing everything. And considering the military isn't doing anything, I'm guessing no one on Earth can see him."
"But how'd he get here?"
"Don't ask me. Let's just worry about stoping him!"
"Hold on, then!" He started forward with new gusto, and they had circled around in front of it within seconds. While starlight ran, Rainbow turned to face the creature.
"Please, stop!" Granted, being noticed and addressed got the creature's attention, it wouldn't stop him. Much worse than that, it would give the creature something besides trees to aim at with that giant hammer. Rainbow let out a yell as Starlight lurched forward to avoid that hammer.
Rainbow activated the belt, a rainbow shooting out and circling around the hammer, trying to pull it from the creature's grasp. It stumbled forward, but in the next moment, it dug its feet in and pulled the hammer back. The sudden, unexpected movement jerked Rainbow off of Starlight's back, sending her flying into the canopy above them.
Her rainbow dissapated as she tried to recover. On the ground, Starlight was forced to keep running as the creature barrelled after him. He began to circle around, gaze continuing to return to the tree Rainbow had landed in.

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