Thursday, November 23, 2006


"Run, Starlight! My magick's running out!"
"I'm trying! Only a little farther!"
Rainbow ducked down against Starlight's neck as a giant hammer swung by overhead. "He's caught up!"
"The raingbow is giving out!"
"We're not close enough to Rainbowland for the kids to help yet!" She ducked again, grip tightened on his mane. "You have to keep running!"
"I'm sorry, Rainbow!"
Before she could respond, the hammer swung by again, this time lower. It slammed right into Rainbow's side, knocking her clear off of Starlight.
"Rainbow!" Starlight leapt off the remnants of the rainbow and fell after her.
It was an agonizing few seconds of falling into nothing. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, there was a flash of light, as Krys appeared on On-X. He dove after them, reaching his hand out towards Rainbow. With a blast of energy from On-X, they were below her, and Krys pulled her into his arms. Moments later, a rainbow arched beneathe them and collected Starlight. Running along the new rainbow was Brian. He hurried over to Starlight as he got to his feet.
"Are you alright, Starlight?"
"Yes, I'm fine." He shook out his mane, then looked up at Krys as On-X landed on the rainbow. "Is she...?"
"She's just unconscious. By the look of that blow, I'd say she's got a few broken ribs, too." He held her gingerly across his lap. "Let's just worry about getting to Rainbowland."
"The rainbow will do the work for us," Brian said.
Starlight finished checking himself for injuries, then looked over at them. "What are you three doing here, anyway?"
Krys and Brian glanced between each other as if they weren't quite sure themselves. Krys spoke up first, looking down at Rainbow.
"I think the weapon she gave me a few years ago allows some kind of link between us. I came because I felt I had to."
Brian nodded. "I was in my room and suddenly the key Rainbow gave me started glowing. I felt called here, so I came."
"Whatever the reason, it's lucky for us you both made it."
((Happy Thanksgiving, all you American readers.))

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