Sunday, November 19, 2006

So it begins.

Rainbow sat draped over the back of the bench by the starfruit trees, a dreamy look on her face. Indigo was reclined under the tree, her voice floating on the breeze. As the song came to an end, Rainbow smiled.
"Indigo, your voice seems to get sweeter every day."
She blushed and smiled at Rainbow. "Thank-you."
"You're quite welcome."
"There you are!" Twink hurried over from the road, Lala and Red with him.
Rainbow sat up and looked over, offering them a smile. "What is it?"
Lala speaks up, gesturing with her hands. "There's some sort of disturbance of Earth."
Rainbow's smile fades as her brows furrowed. "What sort of disturbance?"
Red speaks this time. "We can't really tell from here. All we know is that large patches of forests and fields are dying all over the planet."
Rainbow rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Sounds like a rash of forest fires."
"That's what we thought, too," Red said. "But at such a large scale, and so widespread?"
Rainbow stood and brushed herself off. "Guess I'll have to go investigate myself. Let's get back to the Colour Castle to let everyone else know."
At the Castle, Rainbow had everyone gathered around the console. Starlight can be seen outside the door with Skydancer.
"How long will you be gone, Rainbow?" Canary asked, looking as worried as everyone else.
"Cheer up, everyone. I won't be too long. I just have to see what's causing all of the trouble on Earth, and see if there's anything I can do now to stop it."
Twink and a few other head sprites hurried in with a couple of saddle bags filled with star sprinkles. "Will this be enough, Rainbow?"
She smiled and took one of the bags, lifting it over her shoulder. "This should be plenty, Twink." She looked over at everyone again, sympathetic smile on her lips. "Everything will be just fine."
Twink stepped forward. "We should get going before it all gets worse."
"You're staying here, Twink."
"If I can't do anything on Earth now, I'm going to need you hear to keep things running right. Okay?"
He gave her a discouraged look, but nodded. "Yeah, okay."
She smiled again. "Good." She headed for the door as everyone else looked on with worried faces. She turned at the door, Starlight standing behind her. "Heads high, everyone. I'll be back as soon as I can." She swung up onto Starlight.
"Goodbye, Rianbow," they all said together, waving as Starlight took off on the rainbow she called upon.
Twink watched, the kids gathered around him. "She'll fix everything... Rainbow always fixes everything."

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