Tuesday, November 28, 2006


That caused a bit of unrest among the kids, but Rainbow lifted her hands to quiet them. "I'd say that's evidence enough to investigate. Did you try to follow the trace the other way?"
"We started to, but I realized how long we'd been gone and thought it best to tell you before trying to find the origin. There's no telling how far away it is."
"I see. Well, goo, I'll come with you. Who knows, maybe the origin is the 'beginning' Orin's looking for."
"What should we do, then, Rainbow?" Red asked.
"Exactly what you've been doing. Keep the star sprinkles coming, keep the stars charge, the rain falling, and stick to researching a way to heal the Earth. Brian, I want you to stay here unless it's absolutely necessary for you to go back to Earth. We don't know how that poison is going to effect humans and I don't want you in the way when we find out."
"Sure thing, Rainbow."
Rainbow levelled a gaze at everyone in the room. "Keep your spirits up. Keep this place, and the Earth, as beautiful as you can. Don't lose hope, and don't let the Earth lose hope. We'll fight this, and so long as I'm in charge, we'll beat this."
They offered her smiles and affirmative words and nods, letting her know they understood.
"Good. Violet, those two-ways are ready?"
"Yes, Rainbow, whenever you are."
Then I think it's about time I get off my butt," she said. "You're all dismissed. I'll want to leave as soon as possible."
With that, everyone got up, put their chairs back against the wall, and left Rainbow to get dressed. All but Krys.
"You're sure about this?"
Rainbow glanced up at him. "About what?"
"Travelling so far from Rainbowland when your magick's on the fritz."
"My magick's fine, it's the belt that's damaged."
"You know that's not much of a difference, Rainbow," Krys said as he folding his arms over his chest.
She sighed and looked down. "I have no choice, Krys. I can't just sit back and watch the Earth die while I wait for the belt to be fixed. It may never be fixed. So instead, I'll find a way to work around it. It still works, just not as well. I'll be fine. I have to be."
He listened patiently to her speech, then slowly turned away. "I hope you know what you're doing, Rianbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time."
"I don't doubt," he said as he paused at the door. "I worry." He glanced back at her, then continued through the door, leaving her to get dressed.

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