Monday, November 20, 2006


Starlight kept up his tireless gallop. "You're sure we should be going alone?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
"You think something else is happening, don't you?"
"'Fraid so. I've never seen anything like this during the years we've been doing this. I'm not sure what we're up against."
"And you don't want anyone else hurt. Guess that means we won't be finding Brian."
"Not if we don't have to. But his town is near one of the places this is happening, so we may not have a choice."
They found one of the now devastated areas, Starlight landing on the brown earth.
"What is this...?"
Rainbow slid down off of his back, feet crunching the dead grass. "No fire did this, that's for sure."
"Then what?"
She slowly looked around, then crouched down, taking a handful of the earth and bringing it to her nose. She took a deep breath, but whatever she smelled didn't please her. The dirt slipped through her fingers as she stood back up.
What is it, Rainbow?"
"Poison. At least, I think so. IT's like nothing I've ever encountered."
"Pesticides, maybe?"
She looked up at him. "If it is, it's a new kind. And it's not being used how it should. Let's check out another spot."
She squng up onto his back and conjured up a rainbow. A few minutes and they were in another patch.
"It looks the same..." Starlight glanced back at her.
"Yes... I think it's safe to say these incidents are all related." She hopped off his back again, doing the same as before. "Definitely the same stuff."
"What do you suggest?"
"Let's check out a few more sites, then we have to get to the bottom of this."
A few more sites, before Rainbow had seen enough. They'd be standing on her rainbow over yet another site.
"It really is worldwide. Who could be doing this?"
"Perhaps we should find Brian. Maybe the humans know something about this."
"Let's hope so. Come on, it'll be dark there soon."
"Don't worry. Even the sun cannot outrun me."
"Oh, Starlight. Just run."
((Short. Tomorrow's will be longer.))

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