Monday, October 8, 2007


"Ha-ha! I think it's working," Violet yelled over to Kris and Dismal. They'd just emptied their canisters of gloom onto the head of that bird. It was beginning to slow down and drop towards the ground.
"I think you might just be right, Violet," Stormy said in a slight shock. "Look, he's not even bracing for impact!" Sure enough, feet lazily dangling beneathe it, it drew lower and lower, before finally crashing into the ground and coming to rest lodged into a hillside. "I can't believe it. It actually worked!" After a round of cheers, they headed back down to the ground.
"We should refill and take this stuff to Earth," Violet said as she looked at the fueld gauge on the gun.
"Why don't the kid and I take them? You should stay here and keep working on a cure for that poison," Stormy said to Violet.
Violet nodded and glanced over at Dismal. "What d'ya say? Wanna help make the world beautiful for once?"
His face turned gloomy. "Do I have a choice?"
"Of course. Help, or we can tie you up."
He sighed heavily and thought about it. "Fine. I'll help."
Violet smiled and gave a nod. "Good."

"What kind of person do you think 'The Beginning' is?" Rainbow asked. Starlight was back in his comfortable gallop, this time with a slightly more developed idea of where he was running to.
"Old, I'd suspect."
Rainbow chuckled lightly. "How could he be the start of all of us?"
"Maybe he was the first defender of the Universe?"
"Then why not call him our founder? The wording seems too strange. Do you think the 'End' is a person, too?"
"I'm really not sure, Rainbow. If Orin doesn't know, then I'm not sure who would."
"Yeah, I guess that's true." She suddenly glanced down at him, reaching a hand down to feel his chest. "Are you alright, Starlight? You've been running for so long now. Don't you need-"
"I'm the most magnificent horse in the universe; I don't need a break," he responded quickly, his head held high. But he slowly dropped his head afterwards, and glanced back at her. "I'm alright. I'll run forever if you need me to."
Her eyes widened slightly at that as she slowly sat up. "Starlight..."

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