Wednesday, October 10, 2007


"It's Krys and Moonglow!" Patty called into the Castle.
The kids were quick to abandon their consoles. The sprites were spread out inside, making piles of the ingredients Violet and Dismal needed.
"Are Stormy and Brian with them?" Lala asked as they gathered at the door.
With tears in her eyes, Patty said, No, they're alone..." Buddy gently patted ehr shoulder, and she turned to press her face into his chest.
Tickled Pink slipped outside. "I'll go up to the Colour Cave and tell Red and Twink," she said, then turned and ran down the brick road.
On-X touched down, and everyone gathered around. Canary and Lala took the guns and went inside to give them to Violet and Dismal. Moonglow delicately stepped down off of On-X, and Krys dropped down after her.
"What happened?" Indigo asked.
"They stopped the creature, but..." Moonglow trailed off.
Krys pulled off his helmet. "They were taken."
"Taken?" the kids cried in shock.
"On-X picked up the traces of a dimensional rift. There's no telling where in the Universe they are."
"What are we going to do?" Patty cried helplessly.
"Violet could look for them with her telescope!" Buddy said.
"I'd be looking for years. Besides, I don't think my telescope can pick up individual lifeforms on a faraway planet's surface," Violet said as she came outside with the others.
"We have to trust this to Rainbow," Moonglow said softly. She didn't look too well, and Krys slipped an arm around her for support.
"Let's get you inside."
Tickled Pink returned with Red and Twink just as Krys went into the Castle with Moonglow. Buddy filled them in on what had happened. Twink looked up at Red. "Do you think she got the message?"
"Of course she did. And if she hasn't yet, she will," he said with conviction. He turned to Violet and Dismal. "How much of that stuff have you made?"
Violet grinned. "Enough to stop the poison here in Rainbowland."
"What effect do you think that stuff would have on the creatures?"
She pondered, then shrugged. "Maybe it'd neutralize the poison they carry. Maybe nothing."
"Or maybe it'd just make them mad," Dismal said with a frown.
"Try it. Keep the gloom gun handy just in case." He turned to the others. "Let's get back to making more of it. Twink and I will keep the star sprinkles coming."

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