Monday, October 8, 2007


Nearly a day more had passed before the rainbow came upon a world that wasn't crumbled.
"Rainbow, wake up," Starlight said gently as he slowed to a stop just past the dimensional cross.
She slowly sat up straight, rubbing her eyes, then let her gaze focus on the world presented before them. "What is this place..." she said under her breath to no one.
The world looked like a giant geode, rocky and desolate on the outside, with various entrances that revealed jagged crystals of various pale colours.
"It looks so empty," Starlight said. "Do you think it was poisoned?"
"I don't think so. It would have crumbled, and it's not in the path anyway. Come on, let's check it out."
Starlight picked up a canter as the rainbow led them down to one of the openings. There was barely enough room for Rainbow to get more than five feet in, let alone Starlight.
"Better find a different one," Rainbow said as she pulled ehrself back onto Starlight's back.
They checked a few more entrances, before Rainbow noticed something in the distance. "Look at that. It looks like a light's coming from inside. The crystals are brighter." Sure enough, one of the entrances on the horizon appeared to be glowing compared to the others.
"You're right," Starlight said. He didn't need any telling to hurry up, at once breaking into a gallop towards the entrance. It was clear once they reached it that there was a path big enough for the both of them. Rainbow stayed mounted as Starlight slowly moved into the cavern.
"Hey, these crystals look familiar?"
He glanced back at her, then looked closely at some of the crystals as they passed. "You don't think..."
"They look like colour crystals."
"But they're so big, and pure!"
"This whole world is like one, big, colour cave..."
"Well, at least we're on the right track, right?"
"I guess that's true. She fell silent as they drew deeper into the cavern. After only a few minutes, the path grew narrow, and the ceiling sank until it was too low to ride through. Rainbow slid down off of Starlight's back and began to walk in front of him, one hand keeping contact with his chin. His head drooped lower and lower as the path narrowed, until they came to a point where he couldn't move any farther.

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