Monday, October 8, 2007


"Should we turn back?" she asked as she glanced back at him.
"The light's coming from up ahead, and we didn't pass any other paths on the way in. This may be our only shot at finding the Beginning."
She frowned, but nodded anyway. "You're right." She gently scratched under his chin. "Wait here for me. I'll be quick." She turned and broke away from him, heading deeper in. For a good hundred yards she was hunched over while picking her way along the path. Before long, though, the light became brighter, and without realizing, she stepped out of the path onto nothing.
She let out a brief shout as she fell about ten feet into a pool of crystal clear water below. Disoriented by the bright light, sudden drop, and icey water, it took her a few seconds to get right-side up. She pushed off from the bottom and broke the surface of the water gasping. She clumsily swam towards what she hoped was the shore, until two hands grabbed her under the shoulders and hoisted her up out of the water.
"Easy, easy, just relax, you're alright."
She coughed and sputtered and wiped the water from her face, before realizing someone strange had just saved her. She opened her eyes and glanced up, and found herself gazing into the face of a most handsome young man. Her cheeks coloured at once and she began to try to stand up.
"Th-thank-you, thank-you very much."
"It's quite alright," he said as he reached to help her up. "Just take it easy."
She smoothed out her skirt, then finally took a look at where she was. It was a large, open chamber, with a ceiling sixty feet up. They were standing on a small island, surrounded by that clear lake. In the center of the island rose a grand crystal, starting narrow, then billowing out as it rose into the chamber, straight up to the ceiling. It was pure white, free of blemish or any of the colours in the surrounding crystals. But even free of colour, Rainbow found herself drawn to it. It seemed more beautiful than any of the crystals around them.
"Come, have a seat."
She blinked, having momentarily forgotten anyone else was with her. She looked over at him, once more taken by his fair face. Silver hair sparkled in the light that seemed to be cast by the huge crystal. His eyes were gray, as well, and they watched her every move.
"In time, Rainbow," he said, cutting her off. "Now sit." He pushed her, gently, down to a bench - made of crystals - then disappeared behind her.
She tried to see where he went, but he vanished before she could turn around. "Hey! Wait! How do you know who I am?" There was no answer, and she sighed as she turned back around. A few seconds later, a warm blanket was wrapped around her shoulders. "I've known you for a long time, Rainbow Brite."
She pulled the blanket closer and looked over at him. "How?"
"How? Because, my dear, I made you. Or, rather," he corrected and pointed to the Belt. "I made that, which makes you."
She looked down at the belt, resting her hand over the buckle.

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