Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Rainbow winced at the sight of Xerol. "It's almost completely gone..."
"Let's hope that message was right, and the kids found a way to stop those creatures," Starlight said over his shoulder.
"If anyone could, they would." She looked back at Alpha sadly. "Are these worlds gone forever?"
"It's hard to say," he said. "They're thoroughly obliterated, but," he smiled to her, "you're Rainbow Brite. It may not be impossible."
She only frowned in confusion and turned forward again. "Hurry, Starlight. We're nearly there."
"You can count on me."
As they passed into Earth's dimension, she cried out, half in relief that the Earth was still there, and half in dismay at the state it was currently in.
In comfort, Alpha wrapped his arms around her. "You will save the Earth, Rainbow Brite."
Omi glanced back at them, then looked down to the Earth, troubled look on his face.
It was only a few more minutes before Starlight followed the rainbow over Rainbowland. Patty caught sight of them and let out a loud shout of glee. "It's Rainbow! Rainbow's back!" The rest of the kids joined her at once, as well as Krys, Dismal, and Lurky.
"What are Murky and Lurky doing here?" Starlight asked with distaste.
"Look there," Rainbow said, pointing to the Pits, at their melted and crumbled home. "I have a feeling they're helping."
"Alpha, look!" Omi cried and pointed to the gloomy bird. "They actually stopped the Condor!"
"So they did," he said with quiet wonder.
Starlight touched down to a warm welcome, everyone gathering around. Rainbow was quick to quiet them, hands raised. "I want to hear about everything that's happened, and everything you've figured out, but right now is not the time."
"Rainbow, Stormy and Brian were taken!" Patty called.
"I know," she said with a solemn face. "And I intend to get them back." As Alpha slipped down off of Starlight's back, Rainbow decided on introductions. "Everyone, this is Alpha, and Omi. They're..."
"We're going to help stop all of this," Alpha said simply as he helped Omi down. The boy stepped closer to Alpha, hiding himself behind his leg.
"Rainbow!" Twink ran from Red's side as they came back from the Colour Cave.
Rainbow slipped off of Starlight and dropped to one knee, catching her favorite sprite in her arms. "I missed you, too, my friend." She slowly stood back up, glancing up at Alpha. "Do you know how to get to the ones doing all of this?"
He shook his head. "Only you do, Rainbow Brite."
Starlight stomped a hoof in frustration, but she just patted his shoulder and began to move into the Castle.
"How did you stop the creatures?" she asked them in general.
Violet spoke up with a smile. "You can thank Murky Dismal for that."
Her eyes widened as she looked over at Dismal, who was looking off to the side glumly. "Murky?"
"His gloom finally came in handy," Violet said cheerfully. "But even more importantly," she said more seriously, and Rainbow looked back over to her. "We discovered a way to stop, and even prevent, the poison."
She was pleasantly surprised this time, and took a look around the inside of the Castle. "That would explain all of this, then?" she asked, motioning to the piles of ingredients and various pots everything was brewing in.
"Right," Violet agreed. "However, this stuff only stops the poison. It doesn't reverse its effects."
Rainbow sighed. "Which means everything's still dead." She turned to Violet. "Get this stuff to every corner of Rainbowland and Earth. Get me a list of the ingredients and instructions on how it's made, too. We might have to pass this on to others in the Universe."
Violet nodded and headed up to her laboratory. When Dismal turned to follow, Rainbow caught his arm. "Wait, Murky. We need to talk."
He winced at her touch and slowly turned to look at her. "Alright..."
She motioned outside, then looked to the others. "Keep it up, everyone. We'll beat this thing." She then followed Dismal outside.

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