Thursday, October 11, 2007


Rainbow's eyes slowly drifted open. She was laying in her bed, curtains drawn over the windows to kep the room dim. A cool cloth rested on her forehead, and someone sat beside her.
She turned and smiled down at Rainbow. "So, you're awake." She took the cloth from her forehead. "You came down with a fever."
"I was dreaming..."
"Oh?" She dipped the cloth into a shallow bowl of water, wrung it out, and dabbed it against Rainbow's face. "Seemed to me like a nightmare."
"Maybe it was..." She looked off to the side, and saw Krys curled up, asleep, in a chair.
"He's been working almost nonstop ever since he got here. None of us have slept much while you were gone."
Rainbow looked up at her again. "I'm so proud of all of you. You stopped those things. You even found a way to stop the poison. Earth and Rainbowland would have crumbled before I got the chance to put an end to all of this."
"Hey, don't sweat it. We're a team, remember?" She smiled. "How are you feeling?"
"Better, with the sleep."
"Good," she said and set the washcloth aside. "I think it would do the others good to see you. Everyone's been worried about you. And now that Stormy and Brian..."
She sat up, brushing hair back from her face. It was out of its ponytail, and looked to have been combed out, likely thanks to Moonglow. "I'll find them. I'm sure whoever's doing all of this is the one that took them. I'll get them back. I'll fix all of this."
"We know you will, Rainbow," Moonglow said as she folded back the covers. "We trust you, and believe in you. We're just...scared."
Rainbow watched the smile fade from her face, and be replaced with sadness and fear. She reached out and took hold of Moonglow's arms. Gently, she pulled her close and wrapped her arms around her.
Moonglow was surprised at first, but as the comfort washed over her, she slipped her arms around Rainbow and let the tears fall.

Twink had practically glued himself to Rainbow's side the whole time she'd been walking around Rainbowland, helping everyone administer the solution. Violet had come up with a pressurized hose and spraying system. The vats had been assembled upright on trucks that could be pulled by Starlight and On-X. Each vat was pressurized thanks to pumps the sprites were taking turns working. Large hoses were hooked up to each vat, with nozzles on the end that would spray the solution easily. It was slow going, but they'd split up, and they were making progress.
When Starlight's truck passed under the path leading to the Colour Cave, Rainbow handed her hose off to Tickled Pink, and broke away from them to go up and see Red. Twink followed at her heels.

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